Thread: Royal wedding
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Old 04-30-2011, 02:19 AM   #14
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Re: Royal wedding

Jackie07: it was not your fault at all, some of the hats were something else... :-)

Bejuce: I don't agree that the comments were "all in good fun" but hey...
I think what offended me most was the "lady dead" comment, as a mum after cancer I just want to see my children grow up and hopefully be at their weddings. As I said earlier I am not a royalist but I thought of Diana on the day, I'm sure both boys would have liked their mum there:-(

colleens_husband: I thought I was maybe being a bit harsh so I read your post again in the hope I could find something light hearted but I'm afraid not... Germans, teeth, bathing to name a few. As for your Princess Eugenie comment, well the word mirror springs to mind. As for teeth, think they must like them as they could have had orthodontic treatment free on the NHS ;-)

While it's nice to have free speech I think we need to think of others before we voice it, anyway that's enough from me.
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