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Old 09-18-2014, 02:33 PM   #2
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 113
Re: A/C was easier than Taxol / Herceptin / Perjeta - :-(

Eva, sorry you are going through a tough time. I think we all could have written this post at some point (and probably have

I've not yet done AC. That's coming up in a few weeks after I heal from my lumpectomy/lymph node dissection that I had yesterday. I have completed the 12 rounds of THP just like you're doing it.

For the diarrhea and neuropathy, try L-Glutamine powder 30 grams (yes grams) a day. 15 in the morning and 15 at night. I used the brand called PURE and bought it on Amazon. It's not cheap (about $40 every ten days if used as I described) but it works. I never got neuropathy. Just a mild tingle one or two times. It also helped with he diarrhea. Yes, I still had lose stools, but way diminshed and no cramping.

For your skin, try NeoSporin or something with hydrocorisone. That may help a bit. Take baths with Aveeno skin calming stuff - I think it has oatmeal.

I didn't get swelling until after I was off of THP. I teach, so they got a bit large by the end of the day standing on them. Put them up as much as you can. It will pass.

I can't speak to the mx and expanders and diep, but I know many here will be able to.

In my experience, I can't think ahead to rads etc. just be in the moment at the stage of treatment you are muscling through. Then prepare for the next.

It is tough, but try to think of how you can beat the side effects instead of letting them beat you. Fear can't live in happiness. Think about all of the years by the pool that you want to spend with your children. Yes, this year will be one to remember (for all the wrong reasons) but your hard work will pay off and next year will be very different.

You can do this. Take some time to feel what you need to feel. Don't deny the anger, sadness, and disappointment. Then, dust yourself off and figure out ways to get ahead of the SE's.


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