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Old 06-12-2009, 11:47 PM   #44
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As you may have noticed...

I rarely make recommendations, preferring to provide information and let it go from there...but

Believe, you write well and from the heart

Although I have only heard Patricia Steeg speak at conferences and don't know the lady from atom, I think a well written email from you and or Mighty Oak
might get a humane response from her (otherwise ask your Onco Man or Gamma Man to write one directly to her)

She has gone out of her way at conferences to publicize website
and to acknowledge the human side of breast cancer brain mets.

And as a taxpayer, she is actually YOUR EMPLOYEE

From one of her papers I got:
Steeg PS,
Women's Cancers Section, Laboratory of Molecular Pharmacology, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, 37 Convent Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA.

The worst that could happen is that she doesn't answer back, and if that is the case you will probably be too busy to notice!

All the beest!

PS If you want to pass the proposed email by me first, just post it here onllne(as a new thread so I notice it) and the Lani EDITING SERVICE with be at your service.

hints: it should only be long enough to touch her heartstrings and should be very business like and concrete in asking questions eg. Could you answer the following questions: 1) 2) 3) 4). That way she doesn't have to answer you with a long composition, but can copy and paste the questions and add yes, no or short answers. The main question you have is what treatment options are available to MO at this time, what clinical trials are likely to be available to him, who would she see for treatment if it was her or a member of her own family, if nothing specifically available, would she try Fulvestrant since it seems it crosses the blood brain barrier, does she have more information on intrathecal herceptin or boswellia. Also ask her about that NIH trial I listed as being the topic of the most promising talk I heard in the last five years and how you could get in contact with him at the NIH.

This should keep you busy!
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