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Old 05-14-2007, 11:35 AM   #9
Andrea Barnett Budin
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Location: LAND OF YES! w/home in Boca Raton, Florida Orig from L.I., N.Y. Ever hovering IN THE NOW...
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COULD YOU ALL COME OVER FOR A DRINK NEXT WEEK? I just love everything each one of you has expressed! You are so my kind of people. I am a stage 4er and understand exactly your points. Mastec., reconst., 2 rounds of chemo and the incredible side effects that brought me to my knees, barely able to speak and I see Cheryl Crowe on Larry King (who had a lumpectomy and radia -- not to be minimized and kudos to her for surviving). She points to this tiny dot that was tattoed to guide the radiol and says she has decided for the time being to keep it though it is UGLY as a reminder of her victory. Mastec and tram flap reconst, 2 out of 18 nodes removed along w/ severing muscle and nerves, 2 ports and numb areas that go from hip to hip up the left side of my torso and under my arm (sentinel nodes didn't exist in '95), a malformed armpit, a natural manmade new breast with no sensation -- what I would give for a dot or two.

Yes 4th stage met canc SURVIVERS could alter the face of cancer for the world. Instead of whispering the word, or calling it the big "c", afraid to even speak of such a horror, perhaps people would begin to see it doesn't have to be a death sentence. You don't have to condemn yourself! WE COULD ALTER THE STATISTICS MY CHANGING THE PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACH OF CANCER PATIENTS. I believe stats reflect a mob mentality -- mass hysteria. Once you work on your mindset you're half way, no 90% there.

EVERY THOUGHT IS LIKE A PRAYER. EVERY PRAYER IS A POTENTIAL MIRACLE. WE ARE EACH A POTENTIAL MIRACLE. It's more than getting your game face on, it's about Spiritually connecting with the power we each have to control our thoughts, and thus our emotions. Emotions emanate from what we think. We our thoughts are full of triumph, we will live AS IF. As if what we want ALREADY EXISTS and all we have to do is concentrate every shred of our Energy on calling it to us! We can be the MASTERS OF OUR FATE! We each have that power.

Don't look at a 4th stager as a lost cause. THERE ARE LOTS OF OUT HERE -- ROARING...!!! With love, ANDI
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