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Old 07-29-2006, 08:12 PM   #13
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Dear Sherry,
You are an incredible angel, to have heard a virtual death sentence from your well meaning oncologist who wanted to give you relief and instead handed you a boat load of worry. And after being up all night rightfully thinking of your goals and the loves of your life (daughters, grand daughter and cherub of a grandson), you had the overflowing kindness to get on the boards and share your most intimate pain with us. Do you remember your loudest statement to us at the end of that long night? I WILL NOT GO QUIETLY IN TO THE NIGHT!!! It sounds like that still small voice inside of you is no longer still and is SHOUTING! It sounds like it is a loud "2x4 over the head" spriitual message that wants to be heard!
I believe in divine intervention, Sherry and the mere fact that you are discerning a huge worry, and connecting with the ones you love is telling of the strength that you still have inside of you. You will not go quietly into the night; nor should you. Listen to your still small... and the loud voices, hear your smart, compassionate b.c. sisters who stand by you, and feel us reach out to help you fight like hell. Stay with us . Know that you are loved and supported. This is a time when you need to rest in the arms of the ones who pray for you; and know that we are praying for you.
Love, Kim from CT
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