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Old 06-13-2006, 11:16 AM   #17
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Vashon, WA
Posts: 11
Wink remember the source

is fox news. i hate to sound like a politician here, but i don't think fox news represents the majority of opinion in america.

i agree with all the comments above. it all comes down to respecting the individual patient, giving him or her honest facts and allowing him or her to be a partner in decision-making.

chemotherapy is big business, unfortunately... life-prolonging in some, horror-prolonging in others. every cancer is different. every person is different. i might want everything possible done now, but a few years from now i might be tired of suffering and not want anything more.

what i do want is a doctor who will be hopeful but honest. i don't want false hope, but i don't want overt negativity either. there has to be a balance.

we all want to live and none of us want to suffer unnecessarily. it takes a doctor who is compassionate and hopeful and honest about the limits of their knowledge to help us each come to decisions along the way.

i have to think it must be hard for the doctors who care about us. i have a great doctor who really cares deeply about me, and i know it will be hard for her if i relapse! she is incredible, and it's because she has been through a lot of personal illness herself.

i hope you all can find wonderful doctors to help you along the way! fondly, sara
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