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Old 06-10-2006, 10:49 PM   #6
al from Canada
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Canada tx


The Canadian Gold tx. standard is the same as the US, although it usually takes 6 mos to 1 year for Canada to catch up with the FDA. That point may be moot as if you do your homework, in american tx plans, you can still get the "newest" tx "off label" from your onc.

Secondly; I'm fairly sure that the "aggressive" cancer label given to HER2+++ has been shown to be a blessing in disguise in terms of over-all survival stats compared to other BC's. This is a result of targetted therapies such as herceptin, tykerb, iressa, avastin, etc. In fact, the worst BC cancer to have is the "triple-negative", (ER(-), PR(-), HER2 (-), as once you run out of chemo options, you run out. That said, I'm sure that within the next few years , other molecular signatures will be discovered to target these cancers.

The moral of the story, carfull which book you believe as it may be out of date.

take care,
Primary care-giver to and advocate for Linda, who passed away April 27, 2006.
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