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Old 05-10-2006, 03:02 PM   #13
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There is a book called Breakthrough by Kevin Davies that looks at a lot of the issues of to test or not to test. It was written in 1995 but is still a very interestng read.

At a pragmatic level from the statistics you cite you are already aware of the issues.

Is a test, if positive, telling you you have a certain risk level going to change anything.

There are no definative preventatives except lifestyle - diet exercise and consideration of any possible common environmental factors if you are close knit or live in the same geographical location etc.

The issues of requirement to disclose, and potential impact as insurance becomes more selective and expensive in the future ( my guess) are food for thought, and may impact on your childrens ability to obtain insurance.

On my hobby horse of balancing the omega threes and sixes etc., the risk reductions offered by this and other dietary changes for me are too important to ignore. One trial showed a 69% lower risk of lumps excised being invasive in the third of the group with the highest levels of DHA in breast tissue fat.

I don't envy you your choices,

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