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Old 04-26-2006, 04:19 AM   #11
A Living Legend
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 235

Hi Linda, and thakns everyone, I confess, it was my own doing, that my radiation was painful last times was because I was having a double dose of Xeloda with it, what was prescribed wasn't enough but double, OHHHHHH1! too much, it hurt. I have had in excess of about 100 or more hits of radiation, and only a couple including the last were a bit sore, but I got straight into the soothing burn cream Silvazene which they use in the burns unit of the hospitals. But as a cure for lymph glands it was very effective, it was very effective, it is just I always seem to get the rare stuff, but yesterday and today I have been up and down and I am convinced it is the drugs combining, I have always taken a stomach tablet since the first round of chemo burnt my stomach and oesophageus, and still occassionaly need to have an antacid tablet, but I"m still here and seeing rads onc tomorrow and having planning done, isn't it weird what we look forward to, at the moment my life revloves around taking tablets, walking with a stick and trying not to wobble over and the big effort it is to have a wee wee, it seems I just get into a nice sleep, then no you don't time for another wee, at least it works which is a good thing, I will keep you all informed. I am having trouble getting tablets down my throat, only the big ones and even in half it is hard they just want to sit half way and don't want to budge, they would make a good sight in the blender.

Love & Hugs Lyn
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