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Old 04-25-2006, 02:19 PM   #8
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I happily am not on anything and I forget things.

On a more serious note,

1. Your brain is made up of a high proportion of fat 60 plus %.

2. DHA in particular is essential to brain function

3. Books on the subject link low levels of DHA to all sorts of mental disorders, eg bipolar, adhd, age related degeneration...........

4. A book I have just purchased over the net but not had time to read suggests potential links between malignant brain gliomas to fat intake by examination of fat content of tumours - DHA was low and LA (linoleic omega six) high in brain tumours. [Smart Fats by M A Schmidt]

5. And based on little more than fresh air and inklings could Herceptin through interaction with the fatty acid pathways interfere with the body's elongation and production of long chain fats both omega six and three based? IF this off the wall thought has any foundation maybe taking in the DHA from a food source so saving the body making it might help ensure your brain gets the fuel it looks like it needs.

No definative answers, but food for thought, and maybe more reasons fro balancing the threes and sixes, and taking some high DHA food sources - a trial suggested the body's take up tails off at 2grams a day.

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