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Old 03-31-2006, 11:00 PM   #8
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Location: San Francisco, CA
Posts: 96
thank you!

Thank you to everyone for your replies.

So I went in for the surgical biopsy on Monday to UCSF. They started out with some mammogram shots to redetermine the location so that they could determine where to put the wire. 7 films later at many angles and magnification, they finally told me that they had determined that the microcalicifications were scatter instead of clustered. When they changed the angle and magnified they realized that there was not enough to worry about it this point. They cancelled the surgery and I burst out in tears. It was a moment of relief after many tests since the beginning of Feb when they 1st found these calcs and the stress finally let go with the tears. I felt like it was one of those rare days, where they say, "well we were wrong, no cancer".

We went home and celebrated with the kids as we popped a bottle of champagne.

I am still having some pain in my side which worries me a bit, but I have decided that I will ask for the ultrasound at my next Herceptin appt if it has not gotten better.

Thank you for your replies, I am so grateful for this site and all of you. I know that I can come here in times of panic and always talk to these amazing women who know what it is like with this disease.

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