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Old 02-19-2006, 09:00 PM   #6
Posts: n/a
Thank you Jackie & Sherry for letting me know this is pretty normal. I thought he was doing mine much diffferent then everyone else. But now I understand THANKS to the way you explained it and posted it. I don't know WHY he couldn't of said it the way you and Sherry said it. Or...maybe its just me...I am always so nervous...I hear things and it all goes in one ear and out the other. So its really six tx....that DOES make sense. (Gee...aren't I the smart one.) Hey...maybe I can use the excuse that its my chemo brain setting in already. lol

And thank you Alice for you reply. Makes me feel better to see others that were on the same drugs as me...although you recieved your differently. So you went 22 weeks. I finally understand now...yeah for this board and all of you for explaining it to me. I ask my oncologist things and he either changes the subject...or just plain isn't good at letting me know what exactly it is I am asking him. Its sure funny you guys all understood it. (so its NOT me.) lol I am hoping I don't get any delays as you mentioned Alice due to WBC...he already checked mine last time and its low. Not too bad yet...but I know this week I have to go in the day AFTER my Herceptin and get a shot of Neulasta...which I dread because I hear it causes bad bone pain. I have had more then enough bone pain already. The the thought of more isn't making me very happy. He said NOT everyone gets it...but from what I have read it sure seems like MOST do then not. O'well..what can I do...I have no choice. I will find out this Tues...thats for sure.

Many thanks to you also Ronda. You mentioned how treatment plans are changing constantly. My oncologist told me that...but didn't get into details. He did tell me how things are different on the *East* coast verses the *West* coast. I don't know why that is...but he says so.

I have to admit Ronda...I have read alot of posts from people on different chemos and I can certainly say I have *never* heard of anyone that was on your type of chemo either? Usually if you look long and hard will find someone. But that is a new one one me. I have never heard of the one drug you mentioned called * Epirubicin*?But you are probably right about the reason he gave it to you. I do know that Andromyacin (sp) is nasty stuff and really hard on a person. So your doctor was playing it safe with the other one no doubt.

I can't thank you guys enough for your help...and taking the time to explain things to me about my treatment plan. I was really starting to wonder WHY mine seemed to different from everyone elses. Now it is very clear to me and I understand now. Thanks a million!
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