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Old 02-18-2006, 08:07 PM   #9
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Alexandria, VA
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A dull sometimes throbbing pain in the area of

your right or left temple is MOST often a sign of anemia -- low red blood cell counts...check your CBC's ...if your RBC's are less than about 4.00, the dull headache is probably just anemia...a quick fix is to go and cut a granny smith apple in half and inhale deeply...sounds silly I know, but some special enzyme in the apple will ease the pain until you can eat a protein -rich meal and go to sleep...your red cells build while you are in slumber land...some folks RBC's and /or WBC's are effected even when on herceptin alone. My RBC's used to go down regularly when taking herceptin in the early days, but over the years, I learned to compensate..that is one reason I include the 6 or so ounces of Welch's concord grape juice daily in my regimen...helps keep the RBC's high...liver, lamb, raisins, and especially beets or beet juice will do the same thing...

Naturally every one is different but in folks I have known with new brain mets --they are often "sensed" first towards the back of the neck and move upwards...behind the ears...and towards the crown...usually, if you are on no pain meds..., the sensations will be sharp, not dull, and periodic..not continuous like a dull anemia headache...until they get larger of course and start disrupting vision or movement or balance, at which time SEVERE pain often ensues...of course, any head pain should be investigated -- but don't freak out..start with a quick look at your CBC and then move on to look at your CA 27/29 with your serum Her-2 and leave NO stone unturned...if it is brain mets, swift action is helpful. Also, I would NOT discontinue Herceptin for any reason, if I had HIGH serum her-2 while being treated for brain mets, but that is just my unprofessional recommendation as I seriously think lowering tumor burder everywhere can only help matters going on in the brain...naturally, consider very carefully all the pro and con sides of ANY treatment.

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