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Old 02-17-2006, 06:20 AM   #1
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Thanks for the concern everyone....I am still kicking!!! I've had a few scares, a relationship breakup (I left him) and computer problems. On my last set of tests, the PET and bone scan showed possible met's in my skull, spine, ribs and clavicle. The onc ordered MORE tests and thankfully everything turned out good. A few months back, I had a dip on my MUGA rating and had to take a break from Herceptin. After a three months vacation, my heart is back to normal, and I am back on Herceptin. I also have a new MILD case of lymphodema - nothing to complain about, but something to take care of (more doctors - as if I didn't have enough). I haven't had chemo since December because of very low counts. I have been getting neupogen, nuelasta and a few other things that just haven't been working for me. Soooo, after many months of refusing a triple dose chemo plan, that is the way I am going. Starting Monday, I will be getting triple dose Herceptin, Carboplaten and Taxotere. I will also be getting three days of steroids (ugh) and a series of shots starting 24 hours after chemo. I am still on daily Femara. Now if you are confused...I have Inflammatory BC (1/2000) that spread to my lungs and liver in October of 2004. I have been NED since April 2005....Why am I still getting chemo???? Good question. Because of the aggressive nature of IBC, my onc does not believe I should take the chance in stopping chemo and letting this take over. We have decided that continuous or maintenance chemo is the best way to go FOR ME. I am permanently disabled/retired, so work is not an issue anymore (hard to accept but that's the way it is FOR NOW). My job is staying alive and keeping the beast away. I see a nutritionist and take lots of doctor approved supplements and herbs. I have taken up Reiki and am part of a great spiritual-BC support group. I also post on the AOL BC site where I run a weekly calendar for the "Amazons" (stage IV ladies). Hmmmm, what else - oh yeah, my teenage daughter has taken a liking to concerts. She pays - I drive. She has a part time job at the movie theater and all her money goes for concerts and tee shirts. I figure it this way, I'm not doing anything anyway, she will always remember me for this and I know EXACTLY where she is and what she's doing. Sneaky on my part, works. I used to work at a radio station (many moons ago) and concerts were a hobby of mine - so I really don't mind. If you go to the back of the room, there is always a bunch of moms hanging out. And, I have to say, my daughter has pretty good taste in music. So you see, I have been pretty busy. Sometime the BC boards get overwhelming and I stay away. I appreciate the concern and recent flood of e-mails. I have lurked, but I haven't posted. I PROMISE I will check in more often....I ALWAYS pray for us all...
Stage IV Inflammatory BC 1/00
Mod Rad Mastectomy 24nod/5+
Adriomycin Cytoxin Taxol
Tamoxifen 4 1/2 yrs
Radiation - 32 x
Metastatic BC lung/liver 10/04
thorocentesis 2x - pleurodesis
Herceptin Taxatiere Carbo
BC NED 4/05
chemo induced Acute Myeloid Leukemia 5/06
Induction/consolidation chemo
bone marrow transplant - 11/3/06
Severe Host vs Graft Disease of liver
BC mets to lung 11/07
Fasoladex Herceptin Zometa Xeloda
GVHD/Iron overload to liver
Avascular Necrosis/morphine pump 10/10
metastatic brain tumor
steriotactic radiosurgery
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