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Old 02-05-2006, 09:36 AM   #12
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Location: Stockton, NJ
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I will be thinking of you on Tuesday. Bring lots of activities with you. Like Bev, I can't read during chemo (and I still have a couple of Herceptin alone treatments to go and I still can't read). You will meet lots of great people in the chemo ward (if the rooms are open and you can see and talk to each other). I am a crossword person so I did lots of those and played electronic Yahtzee (which I still have in my chemo bag that I take to Herceptin). I also read magazines as the articles are shorter. I just can't concentrate long enough at the cancer center to read a novel/book although I can do it at home. Watching TV or a movie is great but there are only 2 spots to do it in at my cancer center so I have only had that once in all this time.

If you drink tea or an unusual beverage, bring your favorite as they might not have what you like. Usually they have the basics like black tea, coffee, apple juice (yours might be better than this).

Make sure they give you a blanket and pillow (just in case you need them to be extra comfy). Try to drink, drink,drink - especially water to get that chemo out of your system. And bring some food. You won't feel sick during infusion. You might alittle bit a few days later but the anti nausea drugs work good.

We are all here rooting for you. I never thought I could do it but it wasn't that bad at all. You are curing yourself with every drip that is good to the last drop.

Cheering for you here in NJ

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