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Old 01-13-2006, 09:36 AM   #3
Kim in CA
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Just wanted to send a big HUG your way. You have been fighting this beast a long time, and you have always been an inspiration to me. I am approaching my 9 yr. anniversary since I was first diagnosed, and I am always wondering what is going to pop up next.

I went to the dentist the other day, hadn't been since 2001. I hate going to the dentist, but that's another story! Anyway, back in 2001 when we learned the cancer had spread to my liver, I needed to have an abcessed tooth pulled before I could start my chemo. I just never put going to the dentist on the top of my priority list since then cause I think that subconciously I thought I would probably expire before my teeth ever gave out! Well, my husband finally talked me into going(because of uncertainty about insurance coverage in the future) and darned if I don't need all kinds of work! I need a root canal and 3 crowns and 2 teeth filled.

Anyway, as my dear Mom likes to say, "If I had known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself!" I now know we can live a long time, we just have to stay vigilent and keep pushing for what we need.

You are a fighter Lyn and you just keep tackleing these problems head on. You give me encouragement to do the same and I have made a New Years resolution to catch up on all the other non cancerous type check ups I need, because I plan on being here awhile longer myself!

Love Kim
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