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Old 12-09-2005, 06:25 PM   #14
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We are the victims of “The Corporation” and our own genetic.
# One, for sure people who get Cancer are more sensitive to toxic environment than the others; we have the genes.

Cancer has been around since beginning of time (in very old Chinese books), but according to statistics in 1920 the chance of getting Breast Cancer was 1 in 70 , today is 1 in 7 and they have predicted it will be 1 in 2 in 2010 (all kind of cancers).
I don’t know if you have seen this movie “The Corporation”. I recommend to everybody to see it; it’s a documentary and it’s very informative: Morals over markets. We need to determine certain things shouldn't be bought and sold" or made.

The Corporation exists to create wealth, and even world disasters can be profit centers. Carlton Brown, a commodities trader, recounts with unabashed honesty the mindset of gold traders while the twin towers crushed their occupants. The first thing that came to their minds, he tells us, was: "How much is gold up?"

You'd think that things like disasters, or the purity of childhood, or even milk, let alone water or air, would be sacred. But no. Corporations have no built-in limits on what, who, or how much they can exploit for profit. In the fifteenth century, the enclosure movement began to put fences around public grazing lands so that they might be privately owned and exploited. Today, every molecule on the planet is up for grabs. In a bid to own it all, corporations are patenting animals, plants, even your DNA.

Around things too precious, vulnerable, sacred or important to the public interest, governments have, in the past, drawn protective boundaries against corporate exploitation. Today, governments are inviting corporations into domains from which they were previously barred.

Don’t forget Cancer is a Multi Billion Dollars Industry. Is anybody interested in stopping this profitable market and prevent cancer causing things? Even we as Cancer victims love these companies because they are saving our lives!

Unfortunately we are active participants in this vicious circle. Food, drugs, air, perfume; my favorite! I remember I was in Cancun last summer, and spent most of my time in nature. The whole time I couldn’t find one mosquito or bug and even though I liked it I was thinking for sure if they can destroy the entire spices, what this would do to us? Next thing I know I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer with zero risk factors!

If we want better health for our children we must have active role in the society and force our governments to put limitations for “The Corporation”. Success in this process may seem so slow an unreachable that most of us try not to think about it. But don’t forget the journey of a thousand miles starts with one step.

We can go and live in the bushes, we may not die of cancer but for sure we will die of loneliness or maybe diarrhea!
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