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Old 11-25-2005, 11:55 PM   #4
al from Canada
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Dear Jane,

My wife has very often sever bone and muscle pain due to the combinations of chemicals, including herceptin, she has had to endure to fight this disease. I would consider it the "cost of doing business" with your oncologist. I would even hazard to guess that most of the ladies here on narcotic medicine is a result of the treatment plan and not from tumor related cancer pain.

COX2 inhibitors such as celebrex or natural ones such as curcumin may help some what but often it's really like trying to put out a house fire with a squirt gun! Unfortunately, Linda has had so many different treatments that it would be impossible to narrow her pain down to any one. My feeling is that pain reduction can be achieved through a program of yoga, meditation, mental guidance, exercise and, if necessary, drugs. That said, although narcotics have gotten a bad rap (because of abuse potential), I strongly feel that they are much safer and effective that taking high doses of OTC tylenol, aspirin, bufferin etc, when taken as prescibed.

If you do take narcotics, remember that you are taking them for pain relief and there is a very distinct difference between nartocic dependance and addiction. Dependance is a by-product of repeated drug administration (which can be resolved through weaning off the drug) whereas addiction is where you would break into your neighbour's house to get another dose! Bottom line: we have the technology where none of us have to live in pain. If things get out of hand then see your onc to modify your treatment plan. Pain sucks but if your making everyone experience your pain..............

Take care,
Primary care-giver to and advocate for Linda, who passed away April 27, 2006.
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