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Old 08-20-2005, 10:08 PM   #8
Posts: n/a
Kim, welcome,

First of all, I really think the oncs should just lose the Prog thing...I mean, hey, when are they EVER right??? I am ER-PR-her2 +++ have had all kinds of mets and recovered and regressed and recovered...blah, blah.. thanks to herceptin alone since April of 1999 when I officially became Stage IV--what is that 6 years plus out now?? I was told at diagnosis (age 33) that I would never see my son, then 6 years, finish first grade...but surprise, he is starting high school this Time goes too quickly.

Yes, some of us have manuevered our way through the system to live many years. I am 8 out from original Dx. For a while, I, too, was considered somewhat of an anomally, but now, many folks are using herceptin to their great benefit. I am sure you will, too, but it may not be the easiest thing to deal with at times...and you must INFORM yourself by reading this site and doing your own research as much as time will allow. Stay ahead of the game and you will be around to blow out more than 100 candles on your cake because the one thing living through all this does is it makes you a bit of a "bionic woman" (smile) are probably too young to remember that old tv show, but seriously, I am sure all of us on here have been strengthened in ways we can not enumerate by going through this experience. What a If you are open to it, you can learn a lot and meet a lot of great people and inspire others even as you, too, have been inspired...

Best of luck to you,
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