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Old 08-03-2005, 08:48 AM   #6
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Dear Tom- You are an amazing son! How proud your beautiful mother must be of you!You are so right- prayer is powerful. It's what keeps me going minute by minute. God is so good to us to open our eyes that we may see and learn what is important in this world of His. I realize, too that we must not listen to doctors who are full of doom and gloom. Those who say we have a certain amount of time to live. They have been proven wrong over and over again and they are not God. He alone holds the power over life and death. When He decides we are finished here, He will take us home.Keep praying and keep that wonderful, optimistic and faithful Spirit that is an awsome gift you have been given. What you have shared with us is truly special and God-given. Thank you for taking the time to cheer us all up. I am going to light a candle for you, your mom and everyone on this website tomorrow when I go to Mass. ( I live near the Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Doylestown, Pa.) People come from all over the world to pray there. There is a beautiful chapel there and all over the walls are crutches, canes, rosaries, letters, etc. of those who have been helped. I am also going to pray with great fervor for the Researchers and I think if we could all focus on them and their important work, miracles may be imminent. (Tom- my mother just came in and I showed her your post. She is crying and asked me for a copy of it. She said, "Oh my God, what an inspiring person. Every man in the country should read this. What a great role model!" ) Here is a poem I wrote a few years ago that I'd like to share with you-----


Time changes my beautiful mother- As the days melt into years,
While I helplessly watch-She is fading,
My heart aches with sorrow and tears.
Our roles are now reversing, And her voice grows meek and mild,
As I become the mother,
And she becomes the child.
The things she taught me I cherish, And remember from childhood days,
The happiness she brought me,
And her tender, loving ways.
I pray to our Father Almighty that I will always be-
As wonderful a mother
As my mother was to me.
She sang to me so sweetly as she tucked me into bed,
Now I shall do the same for her,
And kiss her precious head.
And when I was cranky or stubborn, She held on tighter to me,
Her words ring out in my memory,
"Patience, my dear is the key."
I was her sunshine and treasure, And she was the world to me then,
Now I'm the strong healthy mother
And my arms reach to hold her again.
All pressed and powdered she sits there-As I brush her soft silver hair,
It's my mother's love that sustains me,
But only her shadow is there.
And when her chair is empty, and my endless tears will flow,
I'll remember my sweet mother
As she was so long ago.
Someday in Heaven I'll find her- With a halo of gold that she earned
And I'll hug and thank my dear mother
For all the things that I learned.
And I pray she smiles and says softly,
"You're more than I dreamed you would be,
Whatever I did for you, my child,
You also did for me."

Catherine Walsh
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