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Old 05-28-2005, 11:21 AM   #6
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Hi -
I took weekly Taxol WITH Navelbine and Herceptin for 7 months to beat out my liver mets. I had Taxotere the previous year and that was the worst drug for me - even worse than Adria!
I only had to miss my weekly treatment 2 times in all those months due to low counts.
There are some things you can do to help with your strength. Eat enough protein or eggs, foods high in iron like lentils and spinach, take folic acid and B6 supplements as well as what Lisa suggested for neuropathy.

If you get the pains your onc should give you Neurontin, which really works to settle that down so you can go about things you need to do.
I also took and still take Coenzyme Q10 - it is a good blood oxygen carrier and will help your heart.

Good luck and knowing it is only 12 week will help as you cross them off the calendar. I was on the drugs either until I could not take them any more or my tumors were killed and no longer growing. I chose the latter!
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