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Old 05-28-2005, 05:56 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
Hi everyone. I have just finished my two awful months of AC and I am preparing to start Taxol + herceptin weekly for 12 weeks in a few days. I have finally had a few "good" days here at the end, and now I am getting very anxious about this weekly thing. On the AC it took me 10 to 12 days to recover to the point of anything like normal, and then they would hit me again. Am I in for 3 more months of feeling this way? I was very weak, WBC plunged every time even with Neulasta, became anemic, couldn't stand the smell of anything, including my husband (and he doesn't smell bad!) The onc. nurses tell me most people don't have as much trouble with Taxol, but I would like to hear from those of you who really know what it's like weekly.

Thank you in advance,
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