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Old 03-21-2005, 01:18 PM   #15
Alice Vienna
Posts: n/a
Christine, I did try homonal treatment. Tam+Zoladex and then Tam alone.
Could go for aromatasinhibitors as HERA doesn´t allow you as long as you are getting Herceptin out of the trial.
Now aromataseinhibitors would be available for me but I was going through living hell on Zoladex!
Cannot imagine to try it again.

So far doctors are still debating on either thermoablation or surgery. Well surgery sound awful to me in spring. I am a scrub nurse in general surgery so I know what liver surgery does to your abdominal muscles. And after having a free TRAM in 2003 my abdominal wall is already weakened.
But I will not say "no" before THEY said they want to do surg.

I was planning to go on several trips in April - taking "time off" after the energy-consuming past 2,5 yrs.
Already paid for a week of Tennis in Croatia and a wonderful week in Lisboa.... well, seems I won´t be able to do either.
Can´t really imagine not doing anything about my mets until May!

It has already been 2 week since I got my stage 4 dx and they are still doing exams and debating....
I am supposed to get the date for my liver-MRI "within the next few days" - only getting the appointment takes 4ever! Being a nurse with one of the best BC Centers in Vienna does help but it just cant change the problems within the public health system....

After easter a specialised Surgeon for liver mets is going to see me - hopefully I will have my MRI until then because I don´t believe he can tell me alot without it....

It sucks - I am having one of the worst flues I´ve had within years besides all of that - but I guess that is nothing to be surprised about. My immune system just couldnt be the same after the shock, could it?

Just hope those suckers aren´t growing like hell until ...

fingers x´ed
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