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Old 03-19-2005, 12:29 PM   #8
Alice Vienna
Posts: n/a
Hello again!

I´m feeling alittle better. Having a cold doesn´t help.... yuk

Regarding LITT (Laser-somthing) that they do in Frankfurt - I read about it.
They also do it in Berlin - and VIENNA!
And to exactly the doctor that is doing them I am sent to!
Thermoablation is done either with microwave *lol*, ultrasound or laser.... depending on location, number and diameter of mets.

I don´t care which method they use as long as it works ....

I hope to get the dates for MRI and such on monday.
Meanwhile I am succeeding alittle at getting back to planning a "normal" life with a chronic disease....

Thanks for all the posts - upped my spirits!
It always helps not to be alone with this as sad as it is to know there´s so many of us....

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