Thread: chemo question
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Old 12-23-2004, 07:06 AM   #6
Posts: n/a
Hi-this is my first time posting, tho I've been following the board for a few weeks now.

Jag, I completed chemo in August, 4 infusions of AC and 4 of taxotere and found the anticipation of it was far worse than the reality.

I had only very slight nausea and when I was feeling a bit off, if I ate something light and that settled my stomach and anyway the nausea only lasted for a day at the most. I drank peppermint tea and also drank a lot of fresh vegetable juices with fresh ginger in as well.

While I was having the chemo I also sucked ice cubes or icy poles (Australian term! I'm sure you know what I mean!) amd I had no trouble with mouth ulcers. Also used the Biotene toothpaste and mouthwash which others have mentioned.

The hair thing also was better when it was over! Once it started coming out, I just got it all shaved off and felt much better when it was gone. After all I knew it was going to happen and I had a wig all ready to put on! For winter time I had some beanies (is that Australian as well?) to wear at night as my head was cold and I imagine it's pretty cold in the States right now.

This may not be for everyone but I had acupuncture weekly while I was on chemo. I had read somewhere it can elevate the energy levels and I really feel it helped me. I kept working all thru, taking just 1 or 2 days off after treatment and even tho I did get tired , I found that if I just went with the flow and paced myself, it was OK. If I was tired I just had a nap!!

I found that women can have all sorts of individual reactions to chemo. I had a problem with fluid retention around my ankles for a couple of days after every treatment. I guess my point is that when your mum starts her treatment, take note of every little side effect and mention it to her oncologist because just about everything along the way seems to be manageable.

All the very best to you and your mum- here's to a great 2005 for all of us.

And thanks to everyone else for your posts. This board is just so full of information and inspiration, not to mention the humour (loved the story from Lola of the Cancun T-shirt!). I'm not sure how I discovered it but I'm so glad I did!

happy days one and all!!

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