Thread: chemo question
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Old 12-22-2004, 06:52 AM   #3
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"4'-Epirubicin is an anthracycline analog of doxorubicin which has been shown to be similar to doxorubicin in its anti-tumor activity but significantly lower in its cardiotoxicity." This is what I found when I googled "4-Epirubicin". Doxorubicin is another name for Adrimyicin. Adrimiycin is what I took in conjuction with Cytoxan. The A/C combo made me lose my hair (not a big deal, it grew back within about 4 months after finishin chemo). The A/C combo also affected my white cell counts. Hopefully, your Mom's onc will start her out right away with a shot of Neulasta or shots of Nuepogen, to avoid the white cell count problem and not delay any of her treatments. I had a small bit of nausea, but it was controlled by Kytril. They probably have even better anti-nausea meds now. Make SURE that your mother is sent home with something more that the very old, compazine! Kytril did the trick for me. No vomitting at all.

After my A/C I had 3 months of Taxol (cousin to Taxotere). Everyone is different in their side effects, for me, my appetite improved (the A/C affected my taste buds), but I did have some neuropathy in my hands...very minor.

One thing to always keep in mind is that your Mom should NOT be in severe distress or have severe side effects. The onc has meds that can treat most all of the nasty side effects (if your Mom even has any of them). But, you must or she must be her own advocate...the doctor won't know the severity of the side effect, unless you call and ask for another medication! In todays day and age of chemotherapy, the protocol is to allow the patient to enjoy his/her every day living. There should be NO reason to suffer!

Also regarding Clinical trials and Herceptin, if you find a clinical trial that will work for your Mom, she must be enrolled in it PRIOR to starting her planned chemo treatments of 4-EPIRUBICIN AND CYTOXAN. If she has already started her treaments, she may not be eligible for too many trials.
Check with your onc, he/she is the best starting point.

God Bless you and your Mom as you begin this journey. There are many, many cancer survivors out here! Your Mom is in good company.

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