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Old 05-14-2004, 02:39 AM   #3
Posts: n/a
Dear Linda

Your story sounds a lot like mine but sort of in reverse. I was on the GW drug for 4 months last year when they couldn't sort out what was going on in my lung after several biopsies. It did hold things but only for 3 months then I went downhill very very quicky including pleural effusions and a big effusion around my heart compressing it to the point that I couldn't stand up.

I tried navelbine but it did not work and everyone was saying I had just a couple of months left. I switched oncologists who said single therapy was not enough for such aggressive disease and he put me on a combo of gemzar and xeloda. The first couple of cycles were rough. I was very very ill but it has gotten much better.

I too have been on oxygen since January but there are times now when I can be off it for up to an hour! My breathing has dramatically improved. If you have specific questions about my whole pulmonary regimen, send me your e mail address and I will answer back.

I guess what I am saying is that 3 months ago, I was giving away my jewelry, my good clothes, writing good bye letters, stuck at home. Now I am sorry I gave away the good clothes, somedays I can drive, I have really cut back on the oxygen and will be able to tell my pulmonary guy that his prediction of June for the end is wrong!!!

You hang in there!!! The liver mets can be treated with the same combo as the lung mets.

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