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Old 05-14-2004, 03:18 AM   #4
Steph N
Posts: n/a
Dear Linda -
Been following your posts for the past few months. Was really hoping you were coming out of the treatment tunnel.
I am a survivor of major liver mets. I too was given a bad outlook for survival, but have knocked out my tumors and am clear for nearly two years. No lung complications for me, but there was a lot of disease to deal with.
Milk Thistle (standardized) is good fro liver cleansing. I also ate a lot of Shiitake (organic) mushrooms which have good anticancer properties. Drink a lot of good quality "detox" teas. Avoid as much as possible all foods grown with pesticides, herbicides, etc. Also, avoid meats and dairy that have been treated with growth hormones and antibiotics. This is what I did, in addition to my taxol, navelbine and herceptin weekly treatments.
I hope and pray that you can help your body along with these suggestions. Just think "taking the toxic load off" when you shop and eat.
Taking charge in some small way really helped me to stay positive in the face of my very bad news.
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