Thread: To Irene
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Old 09-04-2004, 12:48 PM   #5
al from Canada
Posts: n/a
Hi Irene and Jerri,
I hoes you are not getting hammered too bad from the hurricane. I guess wild weather can make life exciting.
Irene, I am sorry to hear about your complication but I am sure you will flatten this little speed-bump on the road to recovery.
Jerri, when I read your post I almost got the feeling of resignation on your part. It sucks that the chemo combination didn't work!! I would listen to the options; get on the phone for second opinions, follow your instinct, (if the red flag goes up, slam on the brakes!!) As well, and there are many still new chemo drugs to try, Iressa is one no one has mentioned. I strongly feel that no one has a better interest in your life than you! I also believe that beating Cancer is a result of lining-up your ducks from many sources.
My suggestion would be to start lining-up more ducks, ie; take charge! There are many natural tumor fighting compounds which we should not ingnore. I am not talking snake-oil but historically proven results.
1. Co-Q10: this has been used as a heart medicine for years however, small but significant studies have shown that when taken in daily doses of 360 mg. + ,anti-tumoral activity results.
2. Curcumin is extract from tumeric which is currently under testing for its anti-tumor effects. Take 2 grams / day
3. Celebrex is a COX 2 inhibitor which under certain situations, will inhibit tumour growth.
4. reservatol: grape seed extract has proven anti-tumourl activity.
5. Melatonin resets the biological clock, helps sleep and strengthen the immune system and may have anti-tumoural effects.
6. Selenium has anto-tumoural effects.
7. DIM, which is extract from broccoli, has anti- estogenic activity and reputed anti-tumoural activity.
8. Omega-3 fatty acids are helpful.

This next one is getting close to snake-oil however the antecdotal evidence is impreesive: POLY MVA; MVA stands for Minerals, Vitamins and Amino acids. It also contains paladium, which changes the ionic charge of the cancer cell making it more suseptable to chemo.

I would never abandon traditional chemo-therapy for an alternative cure however, consider a combination of both. All of these mentioned are naturally occuring chemicals and nutrients from foods we eat (or should eat) every day, which are not contra-indicated to chemo.
My wife was on her death-bed 4 months ago with liver mets and we are convinced that one or two or more of these supplements helped her turn the corner.
Lastly, a postive, kick-butt attitude is paramount.
Thinking about you and stay strong,
Al and Linda
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