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Old 09-07-2004, 02:01 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Today the chemo nurses gave me the referral for the LP and it had these remarks:

Lumbar Puncture
@ Radiology re:
hx breast ca
brain mass poss abcess need
C & S (culture & sensitivity)
Gram Stain (test for bacteria)
Cytology (cancer cells)

The nurses said the are tests are looking for infections and cancer cells. The nurse was surprised that they were going to do it at radiology. I guess it's normally done in the Oncology Dept. I learn a little more every day. Now I need to go to my and check out the tests.

They also scheduled another Fusion PET/CT which surprised me.. it's only been 8 weeks since the last one. The Oncologist mentioned that due to my glucose (which was high that day), the test might not be accurate. Great ... get a clean scan and they think it might be flawed. Never a dull moment, just when you think you can take a breath, they pull the carpet out from under you, LOL. Still thinking positive.... they are thorough though.....
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