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Old 09-29-2004, 06:50 AM   #2
Posts: n/a
Dear Ali,
I think a lot depends on how large the mets are, for one thing, and I don't think it's true that they will only shrink, not dissapear. Several brain mets survivors who post here regularly have reported No Evidence of Disease, after either WBR or RadioSurgery or a combination of both. Christine, the founder of this site, is one. I am sure some of these survivors will post as soon as they're seen your SOS, so don't despair, hope is here.
Unfortunately, brain mets can be sneaky, and more than one of our group has posted the news of brain mets findings after no symptoms at all. Thank god you've caught them before they've gotten any worse.
BTW, my sister-in-law had 4 brain tumors treated, 2 years ago, with a combination of WBR and chemo, and is NED today. One of these tumors was the size of an egg. Her case was not breast cancer mets, but Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, but still I offer this testamonial as hope.

Stay Strong.
Love, Lolly
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