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Old 07-10-2021, 08:46 AM   #2
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Re: Vitamin D thread -Please use this for your Vit D info.

Vitamin D is essential to development in utero and early years, thus it makes evolutionary sense that breast tissue would have an affinity for vitamin D, and accumulate it particularly in pregnancy. A new study considers such issues.

It is open format so the PDF can be downloaded for free.


Endlessly depressing that it is such an uphill battle to get more focus on the role of vitamin D and wider nutrients in breast cancer.

Without the nutrients they need cells cannot function optimally - that is an evolutionary inheritance imperative.

Vitamin D as a potential preventive agent for young women's breast cancer
Sarah M Bernhardt, Virgina F Borges and Pepper Schedin
DOI: 10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-21-0114


Clinical studies backed by research in animal models suggest that vitamin D may protect against the development of breast cancer, implicating vitamin D as a promising candidate for breast cancer prevention. However, despite clear pre-clinical evidence showing protective roles for vitamin D, broadly targeted clinical trials of vitamin D supplementation have yielded conflicting findings, highlighting the complexity of translating pre-clinical data to efficacy in humans. While vitamin D supplementation targeted to high-risk populations is a strategy anticipated to increase prevention efficacy, a complimentary approach is to target transient, developmental windows of elevated breast cancer risk. Postpartum mammary gland involution represents a developmental window of increased breast cancer promotion that may be poised for vitamin D supplementation. Targeting the window of involution with short-term vitamin D intervention may offer a simple, cost-effective approach for the prevention of breast cancers that develop postpartum. In this review, we highlight epidemiologic and preclinical studies linking vitamin D deficiency with breast cancer development. We discuss the underlying mechanisms through which vitamin D deficiency contributes to cancer development, with an emphasis on the anti-inflammatory activity of vitamin D. We also discuss current evidence for vitamin D as an immunotherapeutic agent and the potential for vitamin D as a preventative strategy for young woman's breast cancer.
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