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Old 08-27-2019, 08:35 PM   #1
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Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 293
Re: Tamoxifen - 8-10 years?


My estrogen levels were lower than yours (7 or 10%, depending on which report you believed) but I was put on hormone blockers anyway. Within six months my liver enzymes shot up to the point that three different doctors said if I continued on them that I would have permanent liver damage. I discussed this with my oncologist because I wanted to be sure I did everything I could to ensure the cancer didn't come back. Aside from my estrogen levels being relatively low, she said that if I had a recurrence that the estrogen levels wouldn't be the main concern - it would be the HER2 component that would be the concern.

Given that the standard used to be five years for hormone blockers I might consider a second opinion. Discuss your concerns with going back on tamoxifen and maybe even ask that since you've had a break, might that help keep your numbers low for the (relatively) short time they want you to go back on them.

I can't address the endometrial part of the question because I'm not familiar with that and it never came up in my appointments.

I hope this helps some and maybe others with more information can chime in. Good luck and keep us posted!
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