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Old 06-25-2016, 11:14 PM   #17
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Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 122
Re: I think I'm in trouble!

Updated path report:

What I had been told before was incorrect. One of the two "new" lesions in the left breast, IS the old biopsy site from October. I had been told it was not, and that I now had three lesions in the left breast. However the pathologist said it IS in fact, the old biopsy site because he could see biopsy site changes in the samples. So, it is not surprising that this site does indeed show high grade DCIS.

The second lesion that looked like DCIS, is indeed DCIS. Now it is thought that the first lesion and this second lesion are most likely just additional length of disease....all in all about 6 cm. which in my opinion is a lot! This too, is high grade DCIS.

So, instead of three lesions in the left breast, there are only the two, one of which showed up as calcification in October (and was biopsied at that time. This first lesion also showed up on the MRI. The second lesion only showed up on the MRI and not by mammography or ultrasound.

This is the first MRI I have ever had so there is no way to know if this second, MRI visible only lesion, has shrunk, grown, or stayed the same since October.

Interestingly enough, the first lesion has shrunk by half from October to now. In fact, this is why they had thought this was an entirely new lesion! They simply could not believe that it might have shrunk, therefore it HAD to be new disease. My oncologist did not have an explanation and said she has never seen any shrink. In fact, she began to wonder if it was just differences in imaging between October and now. However, she is known for being manipulative in the way she says things, so I do think it has shrunk...and indeed the pathology report says it has.

The lesion from the right breast turned out benign as expected.

I Guess all of this really is good news. And, while I am usually an upbeat, thankful person, today was a hard day. I think I spent too much time thinking of what is to come.....

On a positive note, I fly to Texas on July 10 to begin the immunotherapy trial on July 11th.
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