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Old 06-07-2015, 10:30 AM   #2
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Posts: 2
Re: Mammography still best for breast cancer screening, experts find

Contrary this sensationalistic headline, getting regular mammograms is the quickest way for a woman to become a breast cancer patient.

The rarely broadcast fact is that there has never been much, if any, good evidence that mammography does anything of great significance in terms of breast cancer mortality reduction at any age bracket but (practically only medical industry-sponsored biased flawed "studies" claim that), but plenty of sound data shows the test dose much more serious harm than serious good (read "Mammography Screening: Truth, Lies and Controversy" by Peter Gotzsche and "The Mammogram Myth" by Rolf Hefti - more at Mammography Risks ).

IF women (and men) at large were to examine the mammogram data above and beyond the information of the mammogram industry they'd also find that it is almost exclusively the big profiteers of the test (eg radiologists, oncologists, medical trade associations, breast cancer "charities" etc) who promote the mass use of the test and that most pro-mammogram "research" is conducted by people with massive vested interests tied to the mammogram industry. But most women don't, they're hypnotized by the propaganda of the medical allopathy and their comrades such as the mass media and the cancer "charities."

Although it is claimed that this panel of this new "study" consists of "independent experts" it is, unsurprisingly, made up of people with vested interests associated with the mammogram or cancer business, such as Stephen Duffy, or Robert A. Smith from the American Cancer Society. The American Cancer Society, a pawn business group (not a charity) of the orthodox medical business, has been a crucial force to get mass mammography introduced by consistently downplaying and disregarding the known serious risks of the procedure while the group had consistently overstated its benefits.

So, the public gets assured (=hoodwinked) by this deceptive cartel that mammograms are worthwhile based on their biased faulty "research" data. This scam has been going on for decades...
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