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Old 03-08-2015, 10:03 PM   #7
al from Canada
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Re: Rembering our amazing Christine ~ web site founder

Hey Steph,
I still think about the time we spent with you, Sandy, Ginger, Joe and of course Christine in St Antonio. Christine and Joe's and the HER2 group added years to Linda's survival who regrettably passed in 2006.

Our first contact was with Lisa in 2003, who has since passed, and then onto the Druthers and Dr Devon Webster; who shaped our destinies for years to come.
Since Linda's passing in 2006; it's been a constant struggle to fill the void left in my life.
For those who may lose someone; never give-up hope because if we had, I would have lost Linda 2-3 years earlier. Every day counts.

My thoughts, although I rarely give them, to others struggling in these difficult times:

1. Take more from Cancer than it can take from you. Embrace the challenge and what's truly important; that is, the real meaning of relationships. We learned to love more in the face of crisis than in the times of celebration!

2. Stay connected to groups like this; failing that, you have to put your trust into people you either don't know, or those who get paid to talk to you.

3. Never say never, Linda should have died 2 1/2 years earlier than she did, miracles do happen thanks to people like Joe and Christine and this group.

4, Never, ever, ever be afraid to ask a question, especially when it comes to your own mortality! That nagging thought in the back of your head may make the difference between tomorrow and yesterday.

4. Don't trust "med - speak", get your results, read them, get informed, understand what's going on! Never leave the doctor's office without your results.

5. Get a second opinion. Think of Oncologists as auto-mechanics. They may be a little more educated but still make the same numer of mistakes. The only difference is that one is called "doctor"....

6. As a patient or caregiver, ask the right questions, and if you see "red lights" go off, don't ignore them, follow your gut and look for more answers.

So if this sounds a little bitter and twisted, it's not! The message is a very positive one: you have a lot more control than you can imagine. All you need is to learn from others and read Steph's bio!

I haven't posted here in years, and it is still so painful and Linda speaks to me every night.
Steph, thank you for posting our picture in your post, for giving us a place to stay in Seattle, and for not giving up. You are a true friend, inspiration and a mentor.
Joe and Christine, a belated thank you. Instead of burying your heads' and feeling sorry, you chose this! You could have gone to Montecarlo and had a blast but you didn't. You chose to help others, and the rest is history.
Joe and Christine's kids; sorry for your losses and I thank you for continuing the support group! Your impact can't be measured in words alone.

Al from Canada
Primary care-giver to and advocate for Linda, who passed away April 27, 2006.
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