Thread: night sweats
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Old 02-05-2014, 08:23 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 24
night sweats

Dear ladies,
I had four treatments with Taxol, Carboplatin, Herceptin and Perjeta so far, and starting with #3, I am getting night sweats.
My doctor says that it is possibly a sign of chemo-induced menopause, which is to be expected.
Meanwhile, I can't sleep because of it.
My cancer is HER2+ only, not hormonal.
Are there any ways to control it?
Thank you
I blog about happiness here:

8/2013 - 35 years old; HER2+ cancer in Left breast, 2.4 cm; decided to treat it alternatively
10/2013 - follow up sono: mass is 3 cm, with two new masses in the same breast
11/2013 - bx, the mass is now 4.5 cm on sono, and one additional mass tested positive. Alternative treatment did not help - will go mainstream
12/3/13 - started chemo: TCHP x6 every 3 weeks
4/2014 - completed chemo, need to continue Herseptin for a year
4/2014 - unilateral mastectomy, expander put in
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