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Old 08-20-2013, 01:58 PM   #29
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Re: How many progress to Stage IV?

Pamelamary, 'Lizbeth, Debbie, Denise, Vballmom, and all,

Thank you for an interesting discussion. I do want to chime in.

Stage IV is an elephant in the room, and it does rain on all the happy talk about early detection and "winning." But cause marketing is more about marketing than the cause, in our society we do whatever it takes to keep the big corporations dribbling out little philanthropic pittances, often to supposedly solve problems they caused in the first place. Cure is good, but prevention is far better. I personally want to live as long as I can, so I hope they do keep coming up with new drugs for people like me, but what I really want is accountability and meaningful action to stop what's causing this stinkin' epidemic, especially in young women.

Here's something we haven't covered yet: As a person who was Stage IV at diagnosis, I feel I have a mission to tell everyone, not just people diagnosed with cancer, that we are not in a dress rehearsal and no one gets out alive, and I think I should model that. My goal cannot possibly be "live forever and never die of anything" because, well, it's impossible. So if I'm not trying to rack up as many years as possible (why? To get my picture in the paper on my 121st birthday?) then it's a good idea to put some thought into what, for me, constitutes a life well lived. Then live it. Starting now.

Finally, people just naturally love to know their odds, but aren't there a whole lot of things we just do because we must? Divorce rate of 50%? Why would anyone bother getting married? But we do. Chances of dying in a car accident? Lower than they were, but still pretty darn high, yet we voluntarily climb into those death traps and speed down the road. So the question is, if you knew exactly what the right number was for progression to Stage IV for people with HER-2 positive breast cancer, would that change anything? If so, then that's the really interesting question. If bad odds would convince you to have a better, fuller, more satisfying and meaningful life in the time you have left, then I suggest you should be doing that anyway. After all, your individual odds of living forever are zero.

Reminds me of something Edward Abbey said about those "I'd rather be fishing" bumper stickers. He said if he were living that compromised an existence he'd be ashamed to advertise it. Good Lord, if you'd rather be fishing than just go do it.

And, just as an aside, I agree that five year survival statistics are close to useless. Also, I have known since soon after I was diagnosed that SEER doesn't track progression to Stage IV. That's probably because I was extra specially interested in Stage IV, under the circumstances.
4/19/11 Diagnosed invasive ductal carcinoma in left breast; 2.3 cm tumor, 1 axillary lymph node, weakly ER+, HER2+++
4/29/11 CT scan shows suspicious lesions on liver and lungs
5/17/11 liver biopsy
5/24/11 liver met confirmed--Stage IV at diagnosis
5/27/11 Begin weekly Taxol & Herceptin for 3 months (standard of care at the time of my DX)
7/18/11 Switch to weekly Abraxane & Herceptin due to Taxol allergy
8/29/11 CT scan shows no new lesions & old lesions shrinking
9/27/11 Finish Abraxane. Start Herceptin every 3 weeks. Begin taking Arimidex
10/17/11--Brain MRI--No Brain mets
12/5/11 PET scan--Almost NED
5/15/12 PET scan shows progression-breast/chest/spine (one vertebra)
5/22/12 Stop taking Arimidex; stay on Herceptin
6/11/12 Started Tykerb and Herceptin on clinical trial (w/no chemo)
9/24/12 CT scan--No new mets. Everything stable.
3/11/13 CT Scan--two small new possible mets and odd looking area in left lung getting larger.
4/2/13--Biopsy of suspicious area in lower left lung. Mets to lung confirmed.
4/30/13 Begin Kadcyla/TDM-1
8/16/13 PET scan "mixed," with some areas of increased uptake, but also some definite improvement, so I'll stay on TDM-1/Kadcyla.
11/11/13 Finally get hormone receptor results from lung biopsy of 4/2/13. My cancer is no longer ER positive.
11/13/13 PET scan mixed results again. We're calling it "stable." Problems breathing on exertion.
2/18/14 PET scan shows a new lesion and newly active lymph node in chest, other progression. Bye bye TDM-1.
2/28/14 Begin Herceptin/Perjeta every 3 weeks.
6/8/14 PET "mixed," with no new lesions, and everything but lower lungs improving. My breathing is better.
8/18/14 PET "mixed" again. Upper lungs & one spine met stable, lower lungs less FDG avid, original tumor more avid, one lymph node in mediastinum more avid.
9/1/14 Begin taking Xeloda one week on, one week off. Will also stay on Herceptin and Perjeta every three weeks.
12/11/14 PET Scan--no new lesions, and everything looks better than it did.
3/20/15 PET Scan--no new lesions, but lower lung lesions larger and a bit more avid.
4/13/15 Increasing Xeloda dose to 10 days on, one week off.
7/1/15 Scan "mixed" again, but suggests continuing progression. Stop Xeloda. Substitute Abraxane every 3 weeks starting 7/13.
10/28/15 PET scan shows dramatic improvement everywhere. All lesions except lower lungs have resolved; lower lungs noticeably improved.
12/18/15 Last Abraxane. Continue on Herceptin and Perjeta alone beginning 1/8/16.
1/27/16 PET scan shows cancer is stable.
5/11/16 PET scan shows uptake in some areas that were resolved on the last two scans.
6/3/16 Begin Kadcyla and Tykerb combination
6/5 - 6/23 Horrible diarrhea from K&T together. Got pneumonia.
7/15/16 Begin Kadcyla only every 3 weeks.
9/6/16 Begin radiation therapy on right lung lesion that caused the pneumonia.
10/3/16 Last of 12 radiation treatments to right lung.
11/4/16 Huffing and puffing, low O2, high heart rate, on tiniest bit of exertion. Diagnosed as radiation pneumonitis. Treated with Prednisone.
11/11/16 PET scan shows significant improvement to radiated part of right lung BUT a bunch of new lung lesions, and the bone met is getting worse.
11/22/16 Begin Eribulin and Herceptin. H every 3 weeks. E two weeks on, one week off.
3/6/17 Scan shows progression in lungs. Bone met a little better.
3/23/17 Lung biopsy. Tumor sampled is ER-, PR+ (5%), HER2+++. Getting Herceptin and Perjeta as a maintenance treatment.
5/31/17 Port placement
6/1/17 Start Navelbine & Tykerb
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