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Old 07-14-2013, 08:57 PM   #1
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Re: Increased risk for endometrial cancer

Hi Jackie, Nlkoeble and Lizbeth,

This topic resurfacing really came at a good time for me. Thank you so much for addressing this. I wonder if anyone has some advice on my situation.

I am er/pr- her2+ I received FACT and Herceptin, and naturally no tamoxifen with the er/pr negativity. Just finished Herceptin in January(stayed on Herceptin and extra year and a half). After 3 and 1/2 years, I just got another period last week. Back in 2010, chemo put me into menopause. I am very late 40s.

So I emailed onc and he requested I see my GYN and wanted follow up on that appointment and a report. So, I did see her this past week, she tried to do an endrometrial biopsy, no luck. Had a transvaginal ultra sound on Friday, she called said everything is normal. Also had FSH blood work which shows I am postmenopausal.

So thus my question for you, she never got the biopsy and ultra sound says everything looks okay. Would you still insist on a biopsy? I will find out the long term plan tomorrow and she may suggest a biopsy attempt again, or maybe not. Any thoughts on this? I tend to think I should insist. How can we really know for sure without a biopsy?

Any thoughts?

Sleep well everyone
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