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Old 09-15-2012, 08:57 AM   #4
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Re: French bean counters weigh herceptin vs lapatinib

Like Michka, I'd be interested to know more also. So far everyone here with HER2 goes on it for a year, longer if it's metatastic (I was on it for 6 and they had originally talked about for life). With all the studies showing that a shorter period works just as well, I'm sure it will be shortened but haven't heard anything else. I will ask the hospital people at our next cancer support group meeting if they've heard anything but basically here, doctors are in charge of what their patients are given.
I can't imagine an oncologist wouldn't know the difference between the 2 drugs!
However I know there was great excitement about Tykerb because it attacks both HER2 and HER1 and seemed like a miraculous drug, now TDM1 seems to be that drug.
Does this mean you feel Tykerb is inferior to Herceptin?
I've only known people who progressed after being on Herceptin who were then given Tykerb and one friend got both. She had been desperate to get into the Tyberb trials when it first came out.
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