Thread: Can of Worms
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Old 08-20-2012, 07:11 PM   #8
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Re: Can of Worms

I applied for social security disability after my craniotomy in 1/10. I received my first check 6 months later. the amount of the check is based on your work history. I also receive an additional amount equal to half of what I receive for my son. he is the only minor in the house of our 6 kids. So I get 2 checks every month, Mine for me and an additional check for him. He can receive checks from my social security disability till he is 18 or no longer in school. Your SS amount is taxable, not the children's. You do have to fill out a report of what you spent or saved for the kid's money once per year. So if you used that to help pay the daily expenses of raising a child, that's what you put down. Medicare kicks in 24 months after you start receiving benefits.

My husband is still actively employed and carries our primary insurance. So we have no changes in doctors, or medicines. So as long as he is actively employed medicare is secondary. When he retires then medicare is primary. I am not sure about "state aide" in your state, in Arizona there are programs that help cover the "GAP" between medicare and being on the states "medicaid, welfare" etc.

My medicare (I elected part A and Part B) No drug coverage, our private company's med coverage is excellent. So after meeting the deductible of 140.00 medicare picks up 80% of the copay. So my 30.00 copay goes down to range of 0.00-6.00, depending on the type of service.

With Medicare and stage 4 cancer once through the initial request for records, no follow up appointments, records or hassle. You can still work and make some money, and still be eligible.

I also had a term life insurance policy I had had for years before being dx with cancer, you can take what is called an accelerated death benefit with being stge 4. 75% of the value and then they keep the 25% and pay your former premium. TAX FREE MONEY. We used it to pay off 2nd mortgage, and bills. So I still have enough left over to pay final expenses.(Plus I have life insurance through my husbands work )
My Goal is to outlive the 50 grand they kept to pay my 25.00 monthly premium! That equals out to about 166.67 years!!!
So there is my 2 cents on SS disability, Sometimes yes there are those that abuse or expect handouts. But then there are the real people who sometimes need to take that step to ease "financial Stress", one less thing to worry about so you can focus on your "Battle"
Love and prayers to you
dx 1/06 IDC 2cm 38 at dx
2/06 L mast nodes 3/9+ SNB neg ER-/Pr - her2 + Stg 4 liver/pelvis
3/07 6 brain mets WBR down to c-2
4/07 osteonecrosis jaw
1/08 mri new 9mm lesion right lower side
2/08 gamma knife 1 lesion 11/08 regamma
10/09 latent rad necrosis to brain met,
1/20/10 crani: lesion necrosis w active cells continue her add tykerb
1/11 NED just Ingrown toenail! YEAH GOD
8/11 Tykerb, herceptin weekly, elevated her2 levels, negative scans
oct -march 11 new neuro deficits lower legs
3/12 2 spinal metsTykerb, Herceptin
04/12 4050cGY rads T 2-4 & T7-9
5/12 Brain,cervical lumbar clear/thoracic slight decrease
10/12 t 2-4 shrunk t-9 grew start Xeloda, 02/13 stop xeloda,5/13 on metformin, decadron, Tykerb, iv and IT herceptin 5/30/13 total #11 #2 of 80mg dose weekly.
9/13 100mg of IT her, IV hern, 750 mg tykerb, 3mg dec.
last Mri T--3 SHRUNK t7-9 shrunk no edema. Left shift in CBC bone marrow BX negative.
10/13 Ct has shown Double left ureters with stones/cysts in them, after 3 births and lots and U/S iit takes cancer to figure out you have 2 smaller ureters going into 1 kidney!
12/13 Mri brain no new lesions, cervical and lumbar arthritis.
Tspine lesion at T3 stable, T 7-9 GROWTH lots of pain

1/29/14 HIHO HIHO its off to Neuro surgery I go

Life is Good when you wake up in the morning and take a breath and know that God has given me another day.

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