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Old 08-07-2012, 06:34 AM   #10
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Re: after reading post by Rolepaul on brain mets--repostr 4 those running out of opti

Courtney I think also had it spread to other areas besides the brain. Nina is having those treateed with IV Herceptin and Navlebine. We saw abnormal cells in blood pulls, tumor markers were above normal, and other faint signs that there was a need for systemic treatment. Those are all back in normal ranges for serum based tests, and the blood cells are being run through an analyzer and no deformed cells are seen in 10,000. CNS fluid samples show noral glucose and protein, which were 40 for glucose and 555 for protein in January. These are being tracked with every IT treatment, currently at every two weeks.

I appreciate your concern, and have the same. A women treated at UCLA and currently in treatment at Cedar Sanai in Los Angeles is nearly four years out for treatment of LMD/brain HER+ mets and is doing great. There was only one other case besides Courtney where cancer returned in an IT Herceptin patient and that was in the liver. I am tracking the patients pretty well, as I did last December when it went to Nina's spine. There are still vaccine trials and other options to explore. MD Anderson has a very successful vaccine trial on going that we war elooking at.

Thank you again for your insight. I get some early info on the lab trials and sometimes see galley proofs before the release date. That helps with deciding what to do for Nina's treatment. I also have been known to edit an article or two for content.

Keep up the good work. I will try to get a couple more people from industry to go to this blog and see why they do the work they do.
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