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Old 03-07-2012, 05:47 PM   #5
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Re: WHO takes you to treatment?

I was going alone for awhile and I felt like the old saying about being alone in a crowd. Seemed everyone had someone with them and for the longest time the nurses would say almost nothing to me. It felt so invasive having them pump all this stuff into my body, but barely acknowledge me. Out of the blue a gal I met just told me one day that she was going to start going with me. Don't know what on earth caused her to do this. (she was heaven sent )

I have been going weekly for treatment since July. I was going every 3 weeks, but for now it's every week. It can get really frustrating at times b/c I sometimes feel like I live at the place....not to mention how the bills pile up b/c they are being generated weekly.

I hope you can find someone to go with you. It does seem to make the time go by faster when you are occupied, either with visiting or getting lost in a good magazine or book.
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