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Old 01-08-2012, 03:20 PM   #28
karen z
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Re: New year's resolutions (2012)

Hi Rhonda and Alice,
From things I have been reading I think Alice's comments about just starting to move are "right on" but the "specifics" of an exact plan may vary among the three of us (we are unlikely starting at the exact same place and have different aches/pains perhaps). But, all programs I am looking at from Mayo/NIH, etc. stress just starting to move and working one's way up gradually. So, for example, one of us (I am thinking me) might have this schedule the first four weeks (starting this week):
Week 1 (4 days/30 minutes each day- note this could be 15 min plus 15 minutes according to everything I am reading- in other words- we must just do what we can do each time).
Week 2 (4 days/35 minutes each day)
Week 3 (5 days/40 minutes each day)
Week 4 (5 days/45 minutes each day).
Note that for this plan these times would be the minimum times you might "pledge" and you could always do more if you felt like it and felt able.
I think it would be good if we start this week and report back to each other on our progress re "is this doable" for us (and what we need to adjust). For example, perhaps the first week my back starts killing me at 20 minutes. If so, I might move to a similar plan but with 20, 25, 30, 35 minutes a session). I don't think we can set the first week in "stone" as we may be able to do less or more than we are now believe. But I think there might be benefit to laying out a four week plan, adjusting, and reporting back to each other weekly on whether we are moving (and, of course, signing a pledge after week 1- I will send private messages about how we might do that). I think my ultimate goal would be to be walking 5 hours a week. That is what I aspire to if possible. At some point, perhaps fairly soon, I would also like to begin to do at least some exercises for my arms/perhaps other areas that are not "attacked" as much by walking. But other than my arms to start and maybe some simple stretching and flexibility exercises, I am going to start with the walking program. I hope this helps. Please let me know (here or in pm) what you think!! I think we can do this!!!!!!!!!!!
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