Thread: Crossroads
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Old 01-07-2012, 02:29 AM   #17
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Re: Crossroads

Well, I am in the same basic shoes as you. I simply cannot make up my mind, and like you, I think I am going to have to wait a month or so to see what kind of shape I am in. Like most things for me lately, the disease will have control of my decision.

My son attended a pretty good college that ended up being covered about 70 percent by scholarships and grants. There are a ton of things available, and Im sure the counselor at the high school can hook you up with a list when the time comes. I feel like after college we ended up with about 30,000 in loans (Im a single mom, so couldn't pay it all up front) out of about 100,000 for the four years.
I know we don't know each other well, but I sure think that the decision should be about what is good for you. What is best for your health, physically and emotionally. Hopefully at the end of this month you have kicked this C diff completely to curb and been able to gain a bit of weight and feel more like yourself. You certainly have been through something traumatic. ((hugs))
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