Thread: Pain pain pain
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Old 08-14-2011, 10:30 AM   #1
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Unhappy Pain pain pain

Wanted to put my feelers out her to ask you about pain from Letrozole. I was on Femara for two years and then my insurance now covers only the Letrozole the generic brand. Oncologist said no problem same thing. I have found over the last six months I am in terrible pain at night. I know I have a frozen shoulder and am SUPPOSED to be doing exercises for this and I have been negligent with that. That arm is always painful but what I am finding now is that my whole body seems to ache all night. About six months ago I had a nagging pain in my left leg and my family doctor ordered bone scan and all was good except for a fractured rib. didn't know I had that but I did have a tumble hiking probably from that. When I get up in the a.m. feet are so sore can hardly walk. I know that we get lots of aches and pains from these meds but this is getting worse. We even bought a new mattress because thought that would help with shoulder. I asked my breast surgeon about pains last time I saw her and she said she knows that women complain that when you first get up you feel as though you are about 90 years old and then in a few minutes you move more freely. I guess I just wanted to vent here, anyone having terrible pains like this all night? I will be seeing my oncologist Nov and I will ask him about this, a friend said her oncologist changed her meds because of the pains and put her on something else and she said feels much better. I am going to go to my family doc soon if this doesn't let up. My husband said I should think about having another bone scan but I just had one six months ago and I dont know how often it is okay to do those. Oh well any info would be appreciated thanks ladies and gents Lois
August 2008
Lumpectomy left breast
1 tumour 0.9 cm
Her2 negative
lymph nodes negative
venous/lymphatic invasion absent
Stage I Grade 2
Radiation and Femara

November 2008
Lumpectomy right breast
2 tumours .03 cm and .05 cm and extensive DCIS
.05 tumour Her2+
lymph node negative
venous/lymphatic invasion "indeterminate"
ER+PR low postive
Stage 1 Grade 2

January 2009
bilateral mastectomy
chemotherapy taxotere
Herceptin one year
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