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Old 06-29-2011, 08:31 AM   #17
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Re: Cyberknife and sternum

Mischka--bone "cement" is the same plastic they use to get hip and knee replacements to adhere to bone. It was initially invented by a dentist and is similar to the plastic they now use for fillings. It is officially called methylmethacrylate.

Your met is tiny (8mm) so just think of it as using a dental filling to fill it in.

Why fill it? The bone would not be substantially weakened by leaving it unfilled as you do not bear weight on your sternum, however, if they don't plug it with something it will bleed a lot more.

I think your imagination is getting the better of you. Osteonecrosis of the jaw occurs in about 2-8% of patients on bisphosphonates if I recall, so if you don't want the dental work be willing to take those chances. Life is full of choices and few of them are perfect. Do your homework (research what is known), set up a chart of risks vs benefits and assign percentages to each possibility and then apply your own personal "weighting" on how you feel about each course of treatment. Only you can prioritize what risks you are willing to take to avoid what potential down-side(dentistry etc)

The articles I sent references to discuss treatment of larger lesions and with other techniques than cement if I recall.

If you don't know all the possibilities you can't make out your chart and be sure you make the decision which fits you and your preferences best. Better to take the time to make the right decision now, than regret it later

Good luck!
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