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Old 06-23-2011, 10:10 AM   #5
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 430
Re: Implant problems

You've given me a lightbulb ideas. I am going to call Mentor and see what they say on the durability of the implant. I have saline not silicone, because I was scared of what could have happened with silicone.

I will call the plastic surgeon and aks him to explain the alladerm. Never heard of this. He did talk about suturing and skin graft to support the brease. Of course this involves surgery and drains. I don't know about you but after all my surgeries, I just got so tired of these.

Since, I'm flat!!!, I will see if I can find a smaller bra that sticks the other breast a bit bulging but would be ok to the other sliding side!

I have also noticed that the side under the armpit is a bit more flabby than the other "good" side. I have only gained 5 lbs, which is not big but I am tiny, only 5 ft tall. So I am going to try to hard to loose that weight.

I'm also going to try to find a support bra that does not have underwire, and is not a sport bra but that the support goes to the side to see if I can redirect it to the center.

I'm going to talk to the yoga teacher and maybe they can help me with excercises to strenghten naturally that side.

I know, I sound like a real chicken here but I want to try other ways before going down the knife route

Please continue to comment on this is something else comes to your hear. I need community brain power!

You're so great! Thank you

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