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Old 06-22-2011, 03:08 PM   #1
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trials / brain mets?

I am new to the forum, but have been reading with great interest over the past few days. I have brain mets that grew through whole brain radiation. I received brain surgery for the biggest met close to the brainstem and was supposed to get stereotactic radio surgery one week later for the other ones. However, that procedure was canceled because the cancer was already growing again at the operating site. Now I am on Tykerb and continued Herceptin (I am cancer "free" everywhere except the brain thanks to the Herceptin). I am feeling pretty discouraged to be put on a drug that helps 5% of the patients. Are there any trials out there people can recommend? I am researching intrathecal Herceptin and have been in contact with Courtney about it. But everything I read seems to refer to leptomeningeal brain disease, not just plain old brain mets.

Thank you,
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