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Old 05-07-2011, 09:27 AM   #1
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 32
Re: I'm Taking Care of My Mom

Hey Folks...haven't been able to get here lately. Been busy around Mom's house. Trying to keep it clean, do laundry, take care of the dog, cook, and watch after Mom is taking all the time I have and then some. I miss my husband and our dog, and the desert. It seems that in the walks I take with Mom's dog, he ran into some poison ivy so now I'm one itchy b*tch! lol
Mom wanted to get her hair cut, but I decided to give her a perm. She has very short, fine hair but I got the curlers in and she has all these pretty soft curls now and she looks like an angel! I tried for years to get her to perm her hair and she loves it! She doesn't need a hair cut now thankfully. She gets very tired and short of breath if we go out and she has to walk for too long. We had lunch with my cousins and she was fine til we walked around the Dollar General store so she could shop some. I know she misses shopping but it takes alot out of her. She won't carry her oxy tank in public (her stubborn pride, lol) so she gets worn out faster. She says she feels like she'll have to have her lungs drained by next week, so a visit to the doc is forthcoming. It's like watching someone slowly drown in "invisible" water. The doc put her back on prednisone (steroid) but it jacks up her sugar to over 500. So that could cause her to go into a coma. So I am stepping her down from 2 a day to 1 and then she will have to stop for awhile til her sugar regulates. The only thing is that the steroids make her feel so good! She can move around easier and not as short of breath but having her sugar levels that high are bad too. See, she needs to have a Hospice nurse here to help ME when it comes to her meds. I tried to tell her that but once again, she is being stubborn, so I just muddle along trying to do my best.
Well, thanks for letting me ramble on! Wishing you ladies a fabulous Mothers Day and I hope every moment is a moment of joy and love! Peace, G
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